Indian Civilization and Culture – Class 12th English Rainbow Part 2 Exercise Solution

 Objective type questions:

  1. We notice that the mind is restless bird the more it gets the more it wants ——is from

(a) A pinch of snuff

(b) How free is the press

(c)  Bharat is my home

(d) Indian Civilization and Culture

  1. Indian Civilization and culture is:

(a) An essay              (b) A story

(c) a drama                  (d) Short story

  1. Pharaohs (फेरोज) were the rulers of ancient —

(a) China                     (b) Burma

(c) Egypt                     (d) India

  1. “My Experiment with Truth’ is written by—-

(a) Manohar Malgaonkar

(b) Dr.Zakir hussain

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

  1. Our forefathers did not invent machinery because——————————————–

(a) These would have made us proud

(b) These would have made us lazy

(c) These would have made us ignorant

(d) These would have made us smart

  1.  Simple living and high thinking is the base of–

(a) Iranian Civilization

(b) European Civilization

(c) American Civilization

(d) Indian Civilization

  1. Gandhi ji went to Champaran in—————–

(a) 1917                       (b) 1916

(c) 1918                       (d) 1915

  1. Wealth and Luxuries do not make a—–happy

(a) dog                         (b) cow

(c) bird                                    (d) man

  1. Civilization is that mode of conduct (चरित्र का पहलु ) which points out the path of ———-

(a)  need                      (b) moral

(c) duty                       (d) work


  1. Gandhi was shot dead on

(a) 29 Jan 1947            (b) 30 Jan 1947

(c) 2 oct 1869              (d) 30 Jan 1948

  1. What is the glory of India? It remains———-

(a) Glorious                 (b) Immovable

(c) Beautiful                (d) Movable

  1. Who has written ‘Indian Civilization and Culture?

(a) Manohar Malgaonkar

(b) Dr.Zakir hussain

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

  1. Who were ‘Pharaohs’? (फेरोज)

(a) Emperors of Rome

(b) Emperors of Egypt

(c)Emperors of India

(d) Emperors of Japan

  1. Civilization taught us—————————-

(a) To be rude              (b) To be human

(c) To be inhuman       (d) none of these

  1. ‘Some of immediate and brilliant results of modern inventions are to maddening to resist’ is from

(a) Bharat is my Home

(b) A pinch of snuff

(c) Indian Civilization and Culture

(d) Ideas That Have Helped Mankind

  1. Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out the path of duty’ is from

 (a) Bharat is my Home

(b) A pinch of snuff

(c) Indian Civilization and Culture

(d) Ideas That Have Helped Mankind

  1. The Gujrati equivalent for Civilization means:

(a) Bad conduct          (b) Intelligent conduct

(c) Delightful conduct            (d) Good conduct

  1. In the word of Gandhi mind is a—————-

(a) Restless king

(b) Restless student

(c) Restless bird

(d) Restless soldier

  1. ‘Plain living and high thinking’ is the motto–

(a) Southern philosopher

(b) Western Philosopher

(c) Northern philosopher

(d)  None of these

  1. Our ancestors enjoyed true—————-rule

(a) nation                     (b) society

(c) International          (d) Home

  1. ‘Our Swaraj depends not upon multiplying our wants, but upon resticting wants’ is taken from

Indian Civilization and Culture

  1. ‘Observing all this, our ancestors dissuaded us from luxuries and preasures’ is taken from

Indian Civilization and Culture

  1. ‘Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty’ is taken from

Indian Civilization and Culture

  1. ‘ After all there is something in Hindusuism that has kept it alive up til now’ is taken from

Indian Civilization and Culture

  1. ‘A man is not necessarily happy because he is rich , or unhappy because he is poor’ is taken from

Indian Civilization and Culture

  • What is civilization in the real sense of the term?

Ans. Civilization, in the real sense of the term is the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants. This alone increases and promotes contentment, real happiness and capacity for service.

  1. What do you know about Gandhi ji?

Ans. I know Gandhi ji as Bapu and as Mahatma. He is called Bapu because he was the father of nation. He is called Mahatma because he was a great soul or saint.

  1. How did our ancestors view large cities? Why were they satisfied with small villages?

Ans. They viewed large cities as snares and useless encumbrances, having gangs of thieves, robbers and prostitutes. Their village fulfilled all their needs. So they were satisfied with small villages.

  1. What is the distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization?

Ans. The distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization is an indefinite multiplicity of human wants.

  1. Why is he thankful to modern civilization?

Ans. He thankful to the modern civilization for teaching him to discard it at any costs

  1. Why does Gandhi Ji say that “mind is a restless bird”? What makes mind restless?

Ans. Gandhi ji says that needs of mind are unending and indulgence of mind in our passions makes it restless.

  1. How did our ancestors enjoy true Home Rule?

Ans. They disliked courts and lawyers. They settled their disputes without going to courts. In that way they enjoyed true Home Rule.

  1. Why did our ancestors dissuade us from luxuries and pleasures? Did they do right thing?

Ans. Our ancestors knew that possessions don’t contribute to happiness. The rich were worried about finding means of increasing their material wealth. On the other hand, the poor were contented and happy. That why, our ancestors dissuade us from luxuries and pleasures. And they were right in doing so.

  1. What other civilizations does he refer to while highlighting the vitality of Indian Civilization?

Ans. He refers to the civilizations of Rome, Greece, Japan and China, which are now destroyed or have become westernized. Indian Civilization is still alive.

  1. What, according to author is modern civilization?

Ans. According to Gandhi ji modern civilization is the worship of materialism and violence and brutality.

  1. Why did our ancestors prefer to live in Village?

Ans. Our ancestors preferred to live in village because they wanted to live in a safe place with their ancient tradition. In town they saw there were gangs of thieves, robbers, prostitutes and touts. Therefore, they did choose to live in Villages happily rather than towns.

  1. Why does Gandhi ji say that mind is a restless bird?

Ans. Gandhi ji says that mind is a restless bird because it is never satisfied. The more it gets the more it wants. He says because a mind never gets satisfied. Like a bird he always wanders to quench his thirst of desires. Even after the completion of any of his desire the next one is ready. And this cycle of desire continues till his last breath. So he says that mind is a restless bird.

  1. What do you mean by ‘true home rule’ ?

Ans. True home rule is a principle of Mahatma Gandhi which means that every case should be dealt at home within our own premises not outside our home in others presence. It is among one of the famous social principles where he stated that if you have any problem just sit together and solve among your own people. Avoid police and courts.

  1. Discuss the features of Indian civilization?

Ans. Indian Civilization worships morality. It is based on the belief in God. It believes in working with hands and feet. It is religious in nature. It is downgrade towards manners, honour, care and love. It teaches the lesson of humanity, unity and integrity.

15.What is the difference between Indian & western civilization?

Ans. The Indian Civilization worships morality whereas the Western Civilization worships immorality. The Indian civilization is based on belief in God whereas the western civilization is Godless. The former believes in working with hands and feet whereas the later depends upon machine.

  1. Discuss the features of western civilization?

Ans. Western civilization worships immorality. It does not believe in God. It completely depends upon machine. It runs after materialism. It is Downwards towards momentary pleasure.

  1. What is the real glory / beauty of Indian civilization?

Ans. The real beauty of Indian Civilization is that it remains immovable. Even after thousands of years it is as it should be. It has not changed its nature and it is sound at its foundation.

18.What is civilization in real sense of term?

Ans. In the words of Gandhi ji, Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty. If we talk about the real sense, it’s is actually the control of our desire. It is the way of living which we got from our ancestors.

  1. What was the great lesson that India had to teach the west?

Ans. The great lessons that India had to teach the west were the lessons of Unity, integrity, religion, soul and spirit.

  1. Why did our ancestors dissuade (stopped) us from luxuries?

Ans. our forefathers dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasure because they knew that if we run after these absurd things, we would lose our moral character. We would become slaves we would become immoral.


  1. We notice that the mind is a restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied’

Ansà  This line has been taken from the essay ‘ Indian Civilization and culture ‘ written by Mahatma Gandhi through this line he says that  the human mind is never satisfied or content. Just like a bird move from one branch to another in search of pleasure, same is the condition of human beings.

  1. The common people lived independent and followed their agriculture occupation.

Ansà This line has been taken from the eassy ‘ Indian civilization and culture’ written by Mahatma Gandhi through this line he says that our ancestors thought towns or cities as a miserable place, so they lived happily in their small villages and continued  their agricultural occupation and were satisfied with their simple Life- style.

  1. ‘I believe that the civilization in India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world. Nothing can equal the seed sown by our ancestors.

Ansà these lines have been taken from the Essay ‘Indian civilization and culture’ written by Mahatma Gandhi through these lines he says that Indian civilization is unbeatable when compared to the other civilizations of the world. Moral values taught by our ancestors are the base of our civilization and cannot be equaled.


Indian civilization and culture is an essay has been written by Mahatma Gandhi. He was a great writer of this time. In the present piece, he has compared our ancient civilization with western civilization. He says that the Indian civilization elevates the moral being whereas western civilization is to propagate immorality. The Indian civilization is unparalleled and cannot be beaten in the world. The seeds sown by our ancestors were unparalleled. Our ancestors persuaded us against luxuries and pleasures for them; large cities were burden and trap, people would not be happy there, because there would be gangs of thieves, robbers, prostitutes and antisocial elements there.

It is necessary to arrange our physical and cultural circumstances so that they do not become an obstacle in our service to humanity and all energies should be concentrated to develop them. Finally it’s awesome presentation by the writer where he has beautifully expressed his idea. The words are lucid and attractive. The vision of the writer is clear here and it gives a fresh tone to the reader’s mind.

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